Dr Subramanian Swamy was in China recently to attend the World Peace Forum Meeting , at Beijing. World leaders and security & peace experts from different countries attended the meeting. Dr Swamy was the only one from India to discuss the security threats and the solutions.
Dr Swamy was interviwed by several journalists reporting at the WPF. He was specially invited to be interviewed by the Programme (Audio ) People in The Know.
The interview was recorded in MP3 format and the same is presented here along with the introduction of the programme as obtained courtesy CriEnglish .com
( To Listen to Dr Swamy's Interview please cut & paste the above link in your browser)
The world is facing a raft of security challenges, both traditional and new in kind. Asia, a high-flying continent with great political, historical, social and ethical diversity, is not immune from these challenges. The ongoing conflict in Syria, the resurgence of Islamic radical groups and rising tensions in territorial disputes among Asian nations has become a major source of instability and threat. Starting from Wednesday, the People in the know program will assess the security situation in Asia and China's role in bringing peace to the region. In the first edition of our series on Asian security, we take a look at south Asia with a special focus on India and Pakistan.
So how can China and India forge deeper mutual trust and solve their border dispute in a timely and peaceful manner? What efforts can China and Pakistan jointly make to tackle security challenges, especially those posed by extremism in the region?
Ni Hao, you're listening to
People In the Know, bringing you insights into headline news in China and around the World, I'm Zheng Chenguang in Beijing.
We speak to Dr. Subramanian Swamy, former Cabinet Minister of Commerce, Law and Justice, Government of India, now President of India's Janata Party. We caught up with him at the World Peace Forum, recently held in Beijing and Riaz Hussain Khokahar, Pakistan's former Foreign Secretary.